Saving lives and saving the planet

Every day, our safety solutions save lives and minimize injuries. Protecting what matters most is our reason for being and naturally, that includes our planet.

Our work to create a brighter and more sustainable future for all is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Holmbergs is committed to the well-being of our employees, high labor standards throughout our supply chain and the ability for all people to enjoy basic human rights.

Environmental (ESG) impacts throughout the Holmbergs value chain

From idea to finished and delivered product, Holmbergs strives to have a minimal impact on the environment and aims for a positive social change. These are our areas of concentration for ESG impacts:

Continuously striving to reach our sustainability targets

Every single day we don’t just try to reach our sustainability goals. We try to surpass them. We’ve set some ambitious goals for Holmbergs in the areas of safety, sustainability, social responsibility and ethical corporate governance, but we’re up to the challenge!

Safe for users

Saving lives and minimizing damages during transport and in traffic through innovation and zero defect products

Our position as a world leader in safety relies on our relentless research, development and quality control and this is something we are committed to continuing into the future.

Goal: Maintain 0 faults

Sustainable raw materials

Sustainable and non-toxic materials in our products

Our products reflect our values and we believe the materials we put into our products should also reflect those values. We aim to use materials that are as safe for the environment as they are for the people who rely on our products to keep them safe.

Goals: Continue development of new sustainable products and processes

Continue to comply with all applicable standards and regulations

Safety for employees

Commit to our employees

The end users of our products enjoy the utmost in safety innovation and we believe our employees should, too. We are constantly improving conditions for everyone in the Holmbergs corporate family and standing up for their human rights. We are all part of the global Holmbergs family.

Goals: Focus on ways we can increase our Employer Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

Strive to maintain 0 workplace safety incidents and continually reduce absenteeism

Members of Holmbergs global team

Act ethically in all situations

The Holmbergs Code of Conduct guides all our business practices. It’s the little book that ensures our employees and partners act professionally, honestly and ethically. We believe complete transparency and accountability make for a better business.

Goals: Maintain 0 incidents that breach our Code of Conduct

Address any internal incidents that breach our Code of Conduct promptly and fairly

Green energy

Energy efficiency

Holmbergs makes our safety systems as efficiently as possible by using the lowest amount of energy that we can. We also believe in being innovative in this area and exploring new ways to decrease our energy consumption. At some point in the future, we want to make the switch to renewable energy sources and we’re constantly exploring ways we can hasten that switch.

Goals: Continually find ways to increase our energy efficiency

Determine our greenhouse gas emission reduction goals and concentrate on hitting those goals

Doing our part to reach the United Nations’ Global Sustainability Goals for 2030

Through our innovation and constant pursuit to make the world a safer and better place, Holmbergs is in a position to directly contribute to five of the UN’s 17 global sustainability goals for 2030 through our ESG policies. Check them out:

Innovations at Holmbergs
The Holmbergs sustainability initiatives

Innovation that saves lives and saves the planet

Holmbergs drives innovation and product development in the vehicle safety industry. At the same time, we aim to limit the energy we use and sustainably source our materials. Our Code of Conduct promotes ethical behavior throughout our corporate group and supply chains.

Holmbergs by the numbers

Leading the way

Holmbergs shield - safety that never stops

50 million

Child car seats worldwide that currently use Holmbergs safety systems to keep children safe.
Holmbergs shield - safety that never stops

71 %

Reduction in risk of fatalities for children when using a car seat with Holmbergs safety systems installed.
Holmbergs shield - safety that never stops


tonnes of CO2 emissions our metal recycling saved from being put into the environment in 2022.
Quality at Holmbergs
The Holmbergs sustainability initiatives

Quality is everything

In the world of vehicle safety, there is no room for error. Millions of people depend on our safety systems to keep them secure on the road or in the air. We maintain that same level of quality to reach our sustainability goals. From the sustainable materials we source to the recycling processes we’ve developed, we always uphold the highest in standards.

The Holmbergs Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct is meant to foster a corporate culture of integrity, build on our values and provide ethical guidelines for interpreting and implementing the entire Holmbergs Group policies.

The underlying principle of the Code of Conduct is that we always do the right thing. If any team member is not sure what the right course of action is in any given situation, they should ask someone who knows.

To accommodate our diverse and international workforce, our Code of Conduct is available in every language our employees speak and read, and it applies to every employee who belongs to any company in the Holmbergs Group. This includes all direct and indirect subsidiaries. Board members, managers and employees are all required to read and abide by the Code of Conduct. By having all our employees and partners comply with our code, we can feel confident that our business is conducted professionally, honestly and ethically.

We also share our Code of Conduct with our largest suppliers and require them to sign it to confirm that our suppliers support, respect and prioritize the values our code promotes.

Holmbergs has internal processes for all employees to report suspected legal or regular infringements, without repercussions, should they witness any. All employees within the Holmbergs Group are encouraged to report actions they perceive to be serious misconduct to the position appointed by the company. Reporting can also be done anonymously. Reported violations are expected to be handled in a prompt and thorough manner with the goal being a satisfactory solution with reasonable measures taken.

The board of directors has also approved our Code of Conduct and it is available internally on the company’s intranet. The code is also available to all team members through the onboarding process of new employees.

Holmbergs Safety AB 2023

Sustainability Report

Read our 2023 Sustainability Report